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My Top 20 of 2020

Writer's picture: Tammy TootleTammy Tootle

While I think that we can all agree that 2020 has been one pretty crap-tastic year, there is one thing that 2020 has done right...BOOKS. I have read so many AMAZING stories this year that it truly is hard to pick my favorites. I could probably give you a list of my top 50, but I'll try to narrow it down to my Top 20 of 2020 (since that makes for a more clever title anyway). So, here we go...

My #1 read of 2020 is The Ravenhood Duet (Flock and Exodus) by Kate Stewart. Intense. That's the first word that comes to mind when I sit down to try to put my thoughts together to review this duet. This story is one of the most emotional, gut wrenching, heartbreaking stories that I've read in a very long time. Kate Stewart is a MASTER storyteller. You feel every emotion right along with every character, and sometimes, it's almost too much. There were so many times throughout this story that I thought I knew where the story was headed and then BAM! A twist, a turn, a bombshell would be dropped and it would take off in another direction, taking my heart right along with it. You don't just read this story, you live survive it. My heart felt like it had been put through the wringer. I both wanted to get to the end to see how it played out, but at the same time, the ending left me with a heavy heart because I didn't want the story to be over. It's been months since I read this duet and I'm still not over it yet. I honestly don't think that I ever will be.

Here are my other Top 2020 reads (in no particular order):

A King So Cold by Ella Fields If you have read any of Ella Fields works, I'll just begin by saying that this book is different than anything else that she's published. Different but no less amazing. In A King So Cold, she creates a beautiful story of royalty and fantasy. It's a modern day fairy tale complete with betrayal and lies, arranged marriage, heartbreak, and war. I will admit that this isn't a genre that I typically read, but this book is so well written and just so good, that I found myself fully engrossed in this story and in this fantastical world.

The Unsainted Series by K.V. Rose So, I'm cheating a little here and picking an entire series instead of just one book, but there is no way that I could possibly pick just one of these amazing stories. This is one TWISTED storyline that is dark, feels oh so wrong, but is oh so good. These books are not for the faint of heart. I was completely engrossed in this story, devoured it, and I am anxiously waiting for more. And since I'm already cheating with this one, I'll just say that every single book by K.V. Rose could make the list of my top reads of this year.

Aggro by Carrie Gray and Coralee June: Wow. Just wow. I wasn't sure what to expect when I picked up this book, but I sure didn't anticipate the roller coaster ride that is Aggro. This story has quite a few twists and turns, and although I did figure out one part of the story line, there is still one moment where my jaw literally hit the floor. HIT. THE. FLOOR. Shocking, seriously shocking. One of the best twists that I've ever read. A must-read!

To Burn in Brutal Rapture by Nyla K. You don't just read this book. No, you devour it. From the very first page...this book became an obsession. You have to go into this book with a very open mind. VERY OPEN. Although it's not what I would really consider a "dark" romance, there are some things that could be triggers for some. It is taboo in more ways than one, and it is definitely a forbidden romance. At one point, early on, I questioned my moral compass while reading this and decided that it's clearly a little broken. This story is HOT! And the way that these relationships are portrayed makes you feel every emotion right along with the characters. I could not stop thinking about it long after I'd turned the last page.

Forbidden Fate by Mary Catherine Gebhard Once in awhile, a story comes along that absolutely consumes the reader. Forbidden Fate (and the entire Crowne Point series) by Mary Catherine Gebhard, is one of those stories. You will feel every emotion while reading this story. I was angry, sad, disappointed, shocked and heartbroken. To me, that is what makes a book truly unforgettable, when you forget that you're reading and just feel everything; when you're completely taken into another world. This story is one that will stay with you long after you turn the last page.

Fortuity by Jewel E. Ann Fortuity is the third book in the Transcend series. Although this could be read as a complete stand alone novel, the story takes place almost a decade after the Transcend/Epoch duet ends and it just means so much more if you've read the other two books (plus, Transcend and Epoch is one of my most favorite duets EVER, so just go ahead and read that first!) This story is described as a romantic comedy, and I did laugh out loud at several points throughout this story. More than once, I laughed to the point of tears, but then the actual tears came too. I didn't cry because it is tragic or really sad, but in true Jewel E Ann fashion, this story will give you ALL. THE. FEELS. It is bittersweet, heartwarming, and just so REAL at times. It's a beautifully told story that will tug at your heartstrings and leave you with a smile. Absolute perfection!

Follow the River by C.E. Ricci First off, let me just say that I find it hard to believe that Follow The River is C.E. Ricci's debut novel. This story is so beautifully told, the characters so well developed, that if I didn't know better, I would think that this is the work of an Author with dozens of books on her resume. From the very first chapter, this story consumed me. Yes, it's a M/M Bully/Enemies-to-Lovers Romance, but it is so much more than that. So VERY much more. I was not expecting the emotions that I felt while reading Rain and River's story. At times, it was difficult to read. It actually hurt to read parts of this book. There were scenes where I knew where the story was headed and I just wanted it to stop, because it was so well written that I felt like I was there. I felt every bit of their anger, their fear, their passion, their heartbreak. I can't wait for book #2 in this duet.

The Cabin by Jasinda Wilder This is, by far, one of the most gut-wrenching books that I've read. A quarter way into this story, I was crying so hard that I could barely breathe. It is that heartbreaking. This is not only a story of heartbreak and unthinkable tragedy, but it's a story of hope. It's a love story in every sense of the word, unconditional love, forever love. It's a story about LIFE, about learning to live in the moment and about learning to live again. This is not an easy story to read. At times, I wasn't even sure that I could continue. It was that real, that difficult. It made me think about things that I don't like to even imagine, but in the end, it was so worth the journey. The Cabin is beautifully told, and the characters are written with such raw emotion that you can't help but feel right along with them. This is one book that will stay with you long after you read the final chapter.

Where We Went Wrong by Kelsey Kingsley You know that a book is going to be good when the prologue makes you cry. I don't believe that I've ever been so touched, so heartbroken, so drawn into a story from just the first few pages. That is the impact of Where We Went Wrong by Kelsey Kingsley. I have said it before, and I will continue to scream it from the rooftop...Kelsey Kingsley is one of the most underrated authors that I've ever read. She writes stories that make you feel, stories that make you question, stories that make you understand. Her characters are so real that you feel like they could be your friends. The worlds that she creates are ones that you could find yourself living in. This is a darker story but not dark in the "taboo, forbidden, shock factor" sense. No. This story is dark in the "this is life sometimes and it's not always pretty" sense. Then, amongst the brutal reality, is another entire element that will make you question everything and just might make you believe.

When the Stars Fall by Emery Rose is a beautifully written, emotional roller-coaster of a story. This story is so real, so heartbreaking. It is definitely a page-turner. I was anxious to see where the story would go and yet I was afraid of how it may end. I admit that I was hesitant to pick up this book. Although I love a good, angst-filled romance, I had a feeling that the emotions would be really high with this story and I was afraid of the direction that it would take. I am so, so happy though that I took a chance with it. Yes, I was angry, sad, anxious and torn about the events and actions of the characters in this story; but in the end, it was so very much worth the journey. Jude and Lila's love story is a realistic view of love and war. It's a reminder that life isn't fair and sometimes love isn't enough, but that it's never too late for redemption and forgiveness. This story will you hope.

Little Lies by Helena Hunting writing as H. Hunting I absolutely loved this story and read it in a day. It's an angsty romance with some heartbreak but with some funny moments as well, and it also presents the issues of anxiety, fear and panic attacks in a way that is very realistic. I enjoyed getting to know a bit about all of the different characters and their relationships with each other, and look forward to hopefully seeing more of them all in future books. Little Lies is a second generation book as Kodiak and Lavender's parents were featured in this author's previous series. I have to admit that I have not yet read those other series, but I have every intention of doing so, especially after reading this story. If you're like me and haven't read the parents' stories yet, no worries. This story stands perfectly all on it's own.

Playing with Fire by L.J. Shen This story pulled me in from the very first page and didn't let go! This small town, college, bad boy romance brings all of the feels and all of the angst. This story is a heartfelt (and at moments, heartbreaking) read with truly unforgettable characters. I especially love how this author doesn't hesitate to create a heroine that is flawed in a world where the heroines almost always seem to be perfect. In Playing with Fire, L.J. Shen takes a common troupe and gives it an original spin which takes this story to a whole other level. This is a beautifully told story of rebuilding yourself after tragedy and accepting that some things in life just can't be changed. Life does go on though and you can rise from the ashes. I really enjoyed the world created in this book; the storytelling and the banter/dialogue are superb. One thing that this author masters is her characters' internal dialogue. It's fun to get inside of their heads, and some of their thoughts really do bring comic relief to some otherwise serious moments. I seriously laughed out loud more than once, even with tears in my eyes.

The Not-Outcast by Tijan The Not-Outcast is a sports romance, but hockey is not the main focus here. This story is so much more than that. It's the story of a young woman, Cheyenne, who struggles daily with mental illness. She has racing thoughts, an inability to concentrate and panic attacks. Every day is a fight for "normalcy." And then there is Cut. Oh, my heart. Cut is quite possibly the perfect guy. He's a top athlete in the NHL, but he's not the arrogant superstar. He's patient and understanding, honest, and fiercely protective. I absolutely loved both of these characters. It was so refreshing to read about a couple that was not only true to themselves but true to each other as well. Tijan does an amazing job with this complex story. It's a beautifully told, unique storyline that will draw you in from the very first page. There are numerous secondary characters and you really do feel like you get to know each and every one of them. The story flows perfectly and it's a book that you won't want to put down.

The Girl in the Love Song by Emma Scott Emma Scott has done it again. She's stolen my heart with The Girl in the Love Song. She's built a world of characters that are intriguing, heartbreaking, and real. This is Miller and Violet's story and it's a story of first love -- only love. It's a story of hardship and adversity, illness, loss, and overcoming ALL of those things to achieve your dreams and goals and to stay true to your heart.

Asher by Carian Cole Asher is the long-awaited sixth book in the Ashes & Embers series, and it is well worth the wait. Let me just start off by saying that Asher Valentine is the perfect man. He's a long haired, tattooed rock star with a heart of gold and has been faithfully in love since he was 15 years old. This story is both heartbreaking and frustrating at times, and it's an amazing story of loss, grief, second chances, and forever love.

Shallow River by H.D. Carlton This book will not be for everyone. There are some serious triggers in this book, so if you have any qualms about mental and extreme physical abuse, murder, etc., this is not the book for you. If you can stomach all of that, then this book is a must-read. There are parts of this book that are very difficult to read. Our heroine, River, has been through so much abuse throughout her entire life, and it doesn't get any easier for her as this story progresses. I was so angry and heartbroken for her and sometimes I was even angry at her for not trying to escape her torment. The author does such a good job though of getting inside the head of the abused that you can understand why and that makes the story even more impactful. As for the villain...I feel like in most stories, the villain eventually finds some redemption. That moment where you realize what made them the monster, and they'll do something that makes you forgive them and sometimes even fall in love with them. NOT IN THIS STORY. By the time I realized why Ryan was the way that he was, I couldn't bring myself to care. The author does such an amazing job of portraying his evil side that I just couldn't forgive him and I wanted him to suffer. Again with the warnings...there is one particular scene in this book that may go down as one of the most cringe-worthy scenes that I have ever read. I seriously read it with my hand covering my face and peeking through my fingers. It is that horrific, but at the same time, I couldn't even feel bad about it! Now, that's good writing! Amazing story but not for the faint of heart.

I Promise You by Ilsa Madden-Mills I absolutely love The Waylon University series and the Waylon Legend continues with Dillon and Serena. I absolutely LOVED these characters! Dillon loses all of his cool around Serena and just can't quite figure out how to make her his, while Serena has built up some pretty high walls around her heart due to her past relationship. Throw in some college football superstitions and traditions along with a great supporting cast (including a hilarious Nana), and this becomes one of the best sports romances that I've read. It is swoon-worthy, heartfelt, and at moments, laugh-out-loud funny.

Make Me Hate You by Kandi Steiner: Make Me Hate You has a plot that I've read a dozen times before: girl is in love with her best friend's brother (not knowing that he is in love with her too), brother breaks girl's heart and they spend the next several years apart before being forced back together. What makes this book special is the author's ability to take that plot and make it fresh and new, make it a page-turner with ALL the feels, and make you never want to leave the characters behind. Jaz and Tyler's story made me laugh, made me cry, broke my heart and put it back together. It made me feel for every single heart involved in this love story, and that is romance at it's finest.

The Folkestone Sins series (Fragile Things and Fractured Things) by Samantha Lovelock This story pulled me in from the first few pages and didn't let go. I absolutely loved Stella and all of her new friends, and the chemistry between Stella and Poe is just WOW. Samantha Lovelock has created an intricate world in Folkestone that makes you want to unravel all of the secrets that it holds. I felt every emotion while reading this story. I laughed, cried and wanted to throw my Kindle more than once. My heart broke for Stella while wanting to avenge every wrong done to her and her family. This is an all-consuming series and I can't wait for the next installment.

So, that's my wrap-up of my Top 20 of 2020. And again, I could honestly make a list of 50 or even 100 amazing stories that I've read this year. A huge THANK YOU to all of the Authors who have given us an escape from reality this year. I'm definitely looking forward to more incredible reads and I'm hoping for better days ahead in the new year. Here's to a Happy, Healthy 2021! Let's just keep reading...



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