This has been an interesting bookish year for me. I've completely read well over one hundred books, but I've also DNF'd more books than in past years too. I've liked everything that I've finished, loved a lot of them too, but the following books are the ones that stood out to me this year. Here are my Top Reads of 2024 (in no particular order):

Ugly cry. Sobbing mess. That sums up this book for me.
Sunday Morning is a small-town, forbidden, new adult romance that will break your heart, but it will put it back together again too.
Sarah is the preacher's daughter and she's always been the obedient daughter too. Everyone in their small town believes that she'll marry her boyfriend, Matt, after graduation. Sarah isn't so sure. Then, Matt's brother comes back after six years in the Army. Isaac is older, tattooed, sinfully tempting, and definitely not someone that her daddy would approve of. Isaac sees her though and he understands her dreams of singing and writing songs in Nashville. Sarah can't deny the pull that Isaac has on her and she can't resist when he offers to make one of her dreams come true. Then, the unthinkable happens, and Sarah fears that she'll live to regret her decision.
As with all of this author's books, there is humor spaced throughout this story even when the subject matter gets a little heavy. Sarah is trying so hard to be good while wanting to be an adult at the same time, and Isaac is the perfect temptation. I loved him from the very start, and even though hearts would break, I was rooting for him throughout this book.
The "unthinkable"...oh how that hurt! I cried so hard during this book...Heart. Broken. There was one twist in this story that I did figure out on my own, far before it was revealed, but it was still one heck of a twist. Seriously, this story has it all.

This book came highly recommended to me on social media, but I will admit that I was a little reluctant to pick it up.
Two teenagers abducted and caged. Dark secrets that will bring them back to the scene of the crime years later.
Yep, I was a little nervous about this one, but WOW, what a story.
Teens Noelle Meyer and Evan Sinclair are kidnapped. They have a connection that should make them enemies, but they form a bond that helps them escape. Years later, they face each other and the evil that bound them together once again.
Due to the subject matter, this is obviously a darker read; however, I was relieved to see that most of the worst atrocities happen off of the page. Still, this storyline is gut wrenching and horrific at times. There is a certain level of mystery and suspense that kept me frantically turning the pages, and although I thought that I had this story figured out a time or two, I was proven wrong again and again.
There is just too much to this story to put into words, but the characterization, the suspense, the all ties together into a riveting story that I won't soon forget.

by J. WOLF
I'll admit that it was the cover that first drew me to this book. I'd never heard of this author or this series, but after reading Jump on Three, I was hooked and ready for more.
Evelyn likes rules and order and peace. Ivan Sokolov, with his tattoos and shaggy hair, should not be on her radar... especially since he's her twin sister's former crush. Evelyn tries to ignore him, but that's easier said than done. He is on her swim team. He walks her to class. He sits with her on the bus. He steals her study room. And when he kisses her? Well, Evelyn definitely can't ignore that.
I absolutely LOVED everything about this book. I smiled so many times while reading this one, but I cried too. I got angry and frustrated and sad. I. FELT. IT. ALL. I adored Evelyn, Ivan, and nearly every secondary character in this story. I loved that Evelyn, being neurodivergent, isn't the typical female lead. I loved that Ivan was the protective leading male and fell so hard and fast for his girl.
Although there is some bullying in this book, I appreciated the way that it was portrayed here so that it didn't weigh down the story. I felt that this story was very well written and flowed perfectly with just the right touch of suspense and drama to keep me turning the pages. It's the relationship and the romance that truly take center stage here and I couldn't get enough of that.

I was told, again and again, to have tissues ready for this book. So, I was prepared. I knew that it was an ugly cry, and I thought that I was ready for it. Oh, my foolish heart! This book gutted me!
Ella is a single mom, raising twins. She's lost everything: her parents, her grandparents, and her brother, Ryan. In his last letter, Ryan asks his best friend, Beckett, to take care of Ella. Beckett vows to fulfill his friend's last wish.
This book is absolutely heartbreaking, but it's beautiful at the same time. The friendships, the family, the faith, the love... all of it pulls at your heartstrings again and again. It's just one of those books that you think you have figured out from the very beginning, yet it still throws you curveballs that you never expect...moments that had me gasping, yelling, and grabbing for those tissues.
I loved Ella and I could relate to her as a mom so much, Beckett had my heart from the very beginning, and the twins? Oh my heart, the twins. I adored them. This is a story that I'll never forget.

If there was a dictionary of romance authors and you looked up "original", you'd find a picture of Jewel E. Ann. When I pick up one of her books, I never know what to expect. What I do know is that it will be original, unique, unconventional, and unlike anything that I've read before.
I Thought of You is all of those things and more.
It's been 12 years since Price Milloy saw Scottie Rucker. Back then, he wanted to conquer the world while she wanted a simpler life. Now, after a grim diagnosis, Price doesn't just want...he needs...a simpler life. So, he seeks out Scottie. Just as Price re-enters Scottie's life, Koen Sikes shows up too. Two men entering her life at the same time could be the worst timing, or it could be the best, because these two men will have very different purposes in her life.
This was a very difficult book for me to read, and at times (and due to very personal reasons), I almost put it aside and stepped away. I couldn't do it though. I couldn't leave this book unread and not know how it all would end.
I cried. A LOT.
I smiled and swooned. A LOT.
My heart broke. My heart was healed.
This book made me question everything and still left me with no definite answers.
It did leave me though with a fresh perspective on life.
This isn't just a love story. It's a life story. And it's absolutely beautiful.

I loved this book, but I feel like it took me forever to finish reading it. I wasn't dragging it out because I didn't enjoy it or even because I wanted to keep it going. No, it took me awhile to read it, because sometimes it was just hard to read. It hurt to read this book at times.
Halley has had such a hard life growing up. Abuse, betrayal and feeling no love or protection from those who were supposed to love and protect her. When she meets Reed, for the first time in her life, she feels seen. There is an instant connection in spite of the large age gap between them. There could be more, but a lie gets in the way. Then, the worst thing happens. Halley realizes that the man that she could so easily love is her best friend's father.
This story broke my heart again and again. First, my heart broke over the cruelty that Halley endured. Then, my heart broke over the love that is so forbidden and taboo, yet oh so real between Halley and Reed. To love someone so much and to know that you can never be together...Halley and Reed's love story just felt so real, so heartbreakingly real that it left this heavy ache in my chest even when I put the book aside. I so badly wanted to see the story through to the end, but at the same time, it hurt to turn the pages. So, it took me a while to get to the epilogue.
In the end, this story is a beautifully told story of love, betrayal and forgiveness. It's a story of family, both blood family and found family. It's a story of survival, resilience, and second chances at both life and love. It's a story that hurts, then heals, and it is unforgettable.

This is a long book and I felt like it took me forever to finish it, not because it wasn't keeping my attention though. This book gripped me from the very beginning and never let go. It took a long time to read, because I couldn't just sneak in a chapter while I was at work or while sitting in a waiting room. No, I couldn't do that, because I never knew when emotion was going to overtake me from the words on the page and I'd find myself crying (sometimes sobbing) at the most unexpected moments. That's the type of book that this is.
Charlie aka Spider has not had an easy life. From a young age, he's known more loss, more torment and grief than most people know in a lifetime. Now that he's finally found the quiet that he's always craved, he finds a woman (or maybe she finds him) who doesn't do what everyone else has done. She doesn't leave. But is Charlie brave enough to stop running?
Charlie and Stormy's story is tragic and heartbreaking. It's infuriating. I was so mad for how Charlie was treated and for the things that Stormy had survived. I was heartbroken at the loss of innocence and unfairness of the life that all of these characters faced. I was intrigued by the direction that this story took, and in the end, I was left in awe of this author.
I was in awe of the talent that it takes to bring so much emotion to a page. This was such an emotional read for me. I can't count the number of times that I'd find myself with tears just freely falling down my face. Other times, I'd just break down into full blown cries, and more than once, I sobbed uncontrollably. This book had me feeling every single emotion right along with these characters, and I don't regret a single moment of it.
Now, I still find myself thinking about this story, and I still want more. I want to see into the future just a little more. I want so see where some of these characters end up, and I really kind of hope that maybe there will be another book (or two) set in this world.

If you would have walked in on me while I was reading this book, you may have seen me with my hand covering my mouth, holding in my gasps. You probably would have seen me with tears streaming down my face. I did those two things a lot while reading Max and Ella's story: gasped in horror and cried my eyes out.
The prologue of this book is one of those that just grabs you and this story never lets go.
I truly believe that it's best to go into this story blind, so I'm not going to tell you much here. This story starts with two innocent children and ends with two adults who have endured so much throughout their young lives. This is a tragic tale and it's heartbreaking. It is gut-wrenchingly heartbreaking, but it's beautiful at the same time. My heart hurt for Ella. My heart hurt for Max. They both earned my tears and they both deserved a HEA.
There are definite triggers in this story, so please read with caution. I read much of this book with my breath held, with my heart in my throat, and with tears filling my eyes and falling over at the worst of it. I also smiled, and laughed, and loved...oh my, how I loved these characters and their love story.

Once in a while, a book just catches my attention. Maybe it's the blurb or the cover, sometimes it's a teaser or excerpt. Whatever the reason, I'll pick up a book on a whim, and it could be a hit or miss. I'm pretty sure that it was the blurb that drew me to this book (although this is one gorgeous cover), and this one? It was definitely a hit.
Gia, Lyot and Gale are students at a prestigious college for cirque performers. Gia and Lyot are best friends (and more), but Lyot can't give Gia everything that she needs. When Gia first sees Gale, she sees something in him that she recognizes in herself. She knows that Gale will give her what she craves, but at what cost?
There is a quote in this book that says, "This is gonna be hot as f*ck.” And yes...yes, it is. I've read my fair share of throuple romance and this is one of the hottest. Separately, these couples steam up the pages, but put all three of them together? They just about melted my Kindle.
This is the first book that I'd read in a circus setting, and while I was fascinated by it, I was also relieved that the story didn't get bogged down too much with the performances and the technical aspect of the art. There is so much more to this story and it really does focus more on the relationships and the dynamic of these three individuals, their demons and their unique needs and desires. There is also plenty of family drama and a touch of heartbreak too.
I devoured this book, and I'd never have guessed that this is a debut novel. It grabbed my attention from the very first page and never let go.

This isn't a book that I would have picked up had I not seen it recommended by another reader. It's a Great Expectations reimagining, but it's been decades since I read that classic and I don't really remember it. So, I honestly can't tell you how much of a retelling this really is, but I will tell you that this story had a hold on me from the moment that I picked it up and I didn't want to put it back down.
Caspien Deveraux was poison. That's how Jude Alcott felt about him from the moment that he met him at 15 years old. Jude hated Cas, but he also loved him, and it was a love that he could never get over.
This story is beautifully written and also beautifully heartbreaking. This isn't just a simple enemies-to-lovers MM romance. No, this book is so much more than that. This is Jude's journey from a boy to a man. We see him grow up, make mistakes, evolve into this complex character while somehow maintaining a touch of his childhood naivete. His relationship with Cas is frustrating at times, beautiful at others. Throughout it all, it's heartbreaking. While my heart broke for Jude, it shattered for Caspien.
This may be a book that I would have never picked up without some prodding, but turns out that it's probably going to be one that I won't soon forget.

This book is quite possibly the slowest burn that I have ever read in my life, but the build up and anticipation was well worth the wait. Oh how my heart broke for Mason though.
Payton lost her first love and the father of her son, but Mason stepped up to be there for her. He never planned to fall for his friend's little sister, but the heart wants what it wants and there was no stopping his heart from wanting Payton and her child.
While I could totally understand Payton's point of view (not to mention that she is so young to have gone through so much), I still found myself getting slightly aggravated with her. Poor Mason. That's all I could think through half of this book. POOR MASON. That man had the patience of a Saint and I loved him all the more for it. My heart broke for him again and again, and for Payton too, and I lost count of how many times this book had me crying. Softly crying, ugly crying, all of it.
You can totally read this book as a standalone, but it will mean a lot more if you at least read Say You Swear first. As with most of this author's books, there are a lot of characters here which have been introduced in previous books. Even with having read those books, I still found myself getting a bit confused in the beginning piecing together all of the relationships. That didn't take away from the core of this story though which is Payton, Mason and Deaton, and what an incredible story that is.

One of my favorite parts of any book is the moment that I discover the reason behind the book's title. I love that 'A-ha!' moment where it all clicks into place, and that moment is perfected in this story. Boy, did I have to wait for it though, and work through all the emotions to get there.
Jace and Harlow's story started as a short in an anthology that I read, and I was ever so relieved when I learned that their romance was becoming a full length novel.
Jace Rivera is the town's golden boy. He's a miracle in the making on the basketball court, but he's also aloof and tortured, and he's Harlow's next door neighbor. Harlow's family moved to get a new start, but Harlow's past seems to be following her. One silly bet, one deal with the boy next door, two hearts breaking.
I loved every single character in this book. The friends, the families, and of course Jace and Harlow. While my heart broke for Harlow, it was Jace that had me feeling every single emotion. His tortured soul, his loss and torment, his inability to express his feelings. This boy broke my heart and had me crying more than once. This isn't what I'd necessarily consider an angst-filled read, but it's an emotional read. This is a pretty long book, and I lost way too much sleep, because I just couldn't put it down. This story drew me in, consumed me, and it didn't want to let me go.

To say that I'd been anxiously awaiting this book would have been an understatement. Ever since reading Between Never and Forever, I wanted more of The Hometown Heartless, and Torren's book does not disappoint.
Torren King is the infamous bass player for The Hometown Heartless. Four years ago, he broke Callie James's heart. Now, she finds herself sitting before him, looking over a contract that will make her his fake girlfriend. Callie can't stand the sight of Torren, but signing on the dotted line could be the answer to all of her problems. If only she can protect her heart this time.
Going into this book, I was not a fan of Torren. He had to work a little to gain my trust, but boy, did he work for it. For me, that's a sign of a good author...when they can take a character and totally redeem them in my eyes. Yep, totally redeemed! Separately, I loved Torren and I loved Callie. Together? I couldn't get enough of this couple.
This story is a definite slow burn, but sometimes it's all about the anticipation, and that is the case with Torren and Callie. What a build up! And once it heats up, this story burns HOT. I honestly can't remember the last book that had me fired up as much as this one. I think that my Kindle might have a few scorch marks...
As with the first book in this series, Torren's book has it all. This story is full of drama, angst, and moments that I didn't see coming. Parts of this story came full circle while other parts tease at what's to come, and I personally can't wait for more.

This romance is one of the most original that I've read. Why? Well, first off, it's told completely from the male POV, a one-eyed male that wears an eye patch. And the romance? Well, it doesn't start until pretty far into this story. Seriously, this book gives new definition to the term "slow burn", yet this will go down as one of my favorite love stories ever.
A childhood accident left Rev disfigured and half-blind, and that's when the bullying started. He never learned to defend himself, because he never needed to. Nate was troubled and mean, but he became Rev's protector. He became his best friend, his only friend. Then Rev meets a woman who he wants to protect, but in order to do that, he may need to cut ties with his best friend once and for all.
A good part of this story revolves around the relationship between Rev and Nate, and let me just tell you that it had me sitting on pins and needles a good deal of the time. Rather than an indigo sky, I felt like there was a big black cloud just hanging over my head, ready to pour down at any moment. Talk about a page turner! I couldn't get through this story fast enough.
I loved the relationship between Rev and Kate, but there is some serious suspense and foreboding that surrounds them. So many times, I thought that I knew what was going to happen next, and again and again, I was wrong. I have never distrusted so many characters at once!
I've often said that Kelsey Kingsley is one of the most underrated authors out there today, and she's proven it again with this book. While this wasn't the tearjerker that many of her stories are (although I did cry a few tears), the angst was definitely there. I have no doubt that I will be thinking about Rev and Kate (and Nate too) for quite some time to come.

I honestly don't read a lot of romantic suspense. Not because I don't like it, but my anxiety just sometimes can't handle it. This book is definitely suspenseful and it had my heart racing.
Shaw was born into a life that he never wanted, but there is no escape. There is a war brewing between two rival families and Shaw is the McArthur's greatest weapon. His mission should be simple: seduce the rival family's daughter and take them down. Shaw has been trained for this his entire life, but he wasn't planning on falling in love with his target. Once true feelings are involved, this dangerous game turns deadly.
As with all of this author's books, Undertow is a beautifully raw work of art. The poetry of Julian Greene is interspersed throughout this story and the dark beauty of his words add another layer to the grittiness of this book.
There are so many twists and turns as Shaw struggles to keep his head above water, some that I suspected and others that I never saw coming. My heart broke for Shaw. I found myself on the edge of my seat and gripping tight to my Kindle so many times at his suffering and uncertainty.
This is not a story for the faint of heart. There are definite triggers in this story as it is a dark and violent tale at times. In the darkness though, there is beauty. This is a beautiful story of resilience, forgiveness and love.
Much like the poetry that is scattered throughout these pages, the ending of this book could very much be left to interpretation. While it does end...there is not really a cliffhanger here...I personally found myself frantically searching for another page. I just needed more as I read that last line. I wasn't ready for it to end.

I foolishly thought that I could get through a Jewel E. Ann book with no tears. After all, this book started off pretty lighthearted. It was fun, flirty and full of witty banter. It had me feeling like my heart might be safe with this one, but I should have known better.
Jaymes aka Jamie Andrews moves in with a house full of firefighters who live to battle wildfires in rural Montana. Jamie is only going to be their roommate temporarily since she's spreading her wings as a travel nurse. Being a psychiatric nurse, she immediately sets her sights on her grumpy roommate, Calvin aka Fitz. He's a smoke jumper, 10 years older than her, and obviously has a past that he can't escape. House rules state that there can't be anything other than some innocent flirting between Jamie and Fitz, so when things heat up between them, they have to keep it a secret. That isn't the only secret between them though.
I don't know how this author does it, but she writes the absolute BEST leading men. Seriously. Grumpy, secretive, unwilling to commit to a relationship...doesn't matter. She had me falling for Fitz by chapter three. The banter and flirting between Jamie and Fitz is top notch and I couldn't get enough of it. This book had me smiling so hard, but then...then I realized that my heart wasn't so safe after all, and before I knew it, the tears came. While this isn't what I'd consider an ugly cry read, it's definitely an emotional one at times. It will break your heart before putting it back together again.
I loved everything about this story. It's fun at times, heartbreaking at others, and there is a twist or two that you may not be expecting. This is a page-turner and it's one story that I was sad to see end. I definitely wanted more, and I'm happy to see that there is another book coming in this world.

It's rare that I become completely obsessed with a book by a brand new author, but after reading the first book in this duet...
I. Was. Obsessed.
It was the cover that first caught my attention and the blurb had me one-clicking. My favorite trope is second chance and when it's a second chance at a failed marriage? I'm all in. Oh, and texting is one of my favorite things in books, and guess what? It has that too.
Paige and David were married for seven years, but it's been 4-1/2 years since they divorced. David has moved on, but it's been harder for Paige. Now, that she's finally ready to try, David realizes that the reason that he thought their marriage failed wasn't really the reason at all. Could it be possible to get back what he lost? David is determined to find out.
Now, I will start off by saying that there are some serious issues in this duet that could be triggering for some readers, so please read with caution. Aside from that, there will also be parts of this story that probably won't be liked by some readers. There were parts of this story that I didn't like, but only because I didn't want them to happen. I didn't want them to be true. I was afraid of how those things would affect the outcome. For the sake of the story though, I felt that those things only made the situation seem more realistic. They didn't make me happy though.
So many times, I thought that this story was headed in a direction that it didn't go and I was relieved that it didn't. Other times, I found myself holding my breath hoping that something wouldn't happen only to curse under my breath when it did. I felt everything with this story. All of the heartbreak and disappointment, the frustrations and fears. What really got to me the most though? The love between Paige and David. It's still there and it's beautiful.
David and Paige must focus on their years apart if they have any hope of a future together.
This story is written in a way that just feels's real life and I could relate to these characters' thoughts and feelings and I imagine that I would feel exactly the same if put in their situation.
This duet is D.E. Daniel's debut work, and with it, she has become one of my new favorite authors. I can't wait to see what she writes next.
So, there you have it, my top reads of 2024. I can't wait to see what 2025 has in store!